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Mikes Driving Lessons - Blog > Coronavirus

Mike's Driving Lessons
Driving Lesson procedures from 6th July Onwards:

Before the Lesson:

You may notice me get to our starting location early to disinfect the car after I have driven it there.
Before you get in the car to start your lesson, I will ask you to confirm that:

  • You do not have a high temperature.
  • No one in your household has any symptoms.
  • You are willing to taking part in the NHS Test and Trace initiative.
  • You are willing to wear a face covering. These must be on BEFORE entering the car.
  • You are willing to use Anti-Bacterial Hand gel..

During the lesson:

  • You will not be able to bring any food or drink with you. All personal belongings must be kept on your person (i.e. pockets) rather than placed in the center console.
  • If you feel unwell at any point during the lesson you MUST inform me and the lesson will be aborted.
  • If we need to have a lengthy discussion regarding any part of the lesson, we will exit the car and do this in the fresh air outside. Please wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions.
  • During the lesson we may have a ‘clean down’ at the midpoint where you will be able to exit the car for refreshments and to remove your mask if you wish.

At the end of the lesson:

  • Please do not remove your mask until you are outside of the car and at least 2 metres away. The car will then be cleaned thoroughly before I drive to the next lesson.
  • Please fill in your reflective logs once you are home. This is to minimise sharing of any pens or clipboards.

Tag: School News, Coronavirus

2nd Jul 2020

coronovirus epidemic


Finally driving instructors get some recognition on BBC breakfast news

Tag: Coronavirus

15th May 2020

coronovirus epidemic


Please note: the following was written BEFORE the latest announcement by the Prime Minister on 11th May 2020.
Read at your own peril!
#DrivingLessonsRoyton #DrivinglessonsRochdale

Tag: Coronavirus

12th May 2020

coronovirus epidemic


Evening all, hope everybody is keeping well!

Following on from advice from Boris this evening, driving lessons are unfortunately still postponed. This is due to social distancing requirements, and being unable to keep 2 metres apart.

The next review date by government is the last week of May / Before June 1st, so hopefully I will be able to deliver some good news by then!

Those of you studying for Theory tests, remember I am still here to help.
Those who have had practical tests booked, we will still have time to fit in sessions to get you back up to speed after the break.

Stay safe and if you've any questions, feel free to drop me a line

See you all soon

Tag: Coronavirus

10th May 2020

coronovirus epidemic


As rumours abound about lockdown being eased we await with eagerness to hear what the Prime Minister will say in his address tomorrow.
What will it mean for Driving Lessons?

Tag: Coronavirus

9th May 2020

coronovirus epidemic


More theory test cancellations due to the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak.
Please Inbox me if you have been affected!

View more Theory Thursday posts at

Tag: Coronavirus, Government Information

6th May 2020

coronovirus epidemic


Morning all students.

This is really a message I don't want to type, but it is with great regret that due the ongoing Coronavirus situation that Driving Lessons this week will be postponed.

I will be monitoring the situation weekly, and hope to get you all back behind the wheel ASAP.

Those with Theory or Practical test bookings are currently being reviewed by the DVSA. You should receive an email in due course as things smoothen out. As usual, any worries feel free to give me a call.

I will be ringing everyone individually to Rebook lessons, so if I miss your call I'll ring you as soon as I can!

Most importantly, stay safe over this next week. Wash your hands and keep social distancing, and hopefully normal service will resume in next to no time.

Thank you for your understanding and I'll see you all again soon to get those tests passed

Mike's Driving Lessons.

Tag: Coronavirus, School News, General News

23rd Mar 2020

coronovirus epidemic


Myself and the team behind Mike's Driving Lessons would like to say a huge 'thank you' to all of our students, present and future that are following the guidelines about staying safe during this difficult time.

As you can imagine this is a very worrying time for the self-employed and we are incredibly grateful for all your support at this time by continuing with your lessons. Thank you.

We know there will be a Massive demand for Lessons and Driving Tests once the coronavirus outbreak is over, so by continuing with your lessons now it will mean that you will be able to book the earliest possible driving tests when things return to normal and be driving much sooner compared to delaying your lessons and being hit with even more test waiting times.

Our cars are probably the cleanest place you can be right now, being meticulously sprayed over between each lesson.

I will give you as much notice as possible if I need to self isolate for any reason to minimise disruption to your learning.

For any of our students who are showing symptoms, or have come into contact with someone who has contracted the virus or has tested positive for the virus, then please let me know as soon as possible.

Although we would ask you to let us know as early as possible if you need to cancel, there will be no charge for cancelling your lessons at short notice because of the virus.

With that in mind, at this time, your reliability is hugely appreciated by all of us. If you can avoid cancelling your lessons for any other reason, then it would be very much appreciated.

If you have any concerns or questions about your lessons or test, please contact me directly and I'll be more than happy to help.

We hope you all stay safe and let’s hope life returns to normal very soon.

Thank you so much again for your continuing support
Let's hit the road!

Tag: Coronavirus, School News, General News

21st Mar 2020

coronovirus epidemic

Morning again Drivers!
Another update regarding the ongoing situation with #Coronavirus

All lessons are On as usual, however Driving Tests have been cancelled Thursday 19th and Friday 20th.
Instructors will hopefully get an update on Friday with regards to tests from Monday 23rd.

This will understandably lead to disruption if you have a test booked.
Check your emails (and your spam folder!) for any emails from DVSA, and if your test has been rescheduelled call or text me ASAP.

We've all handled more chaos than this before, keep smiling and normal service will be back soon

Mike's Driving Lessons

Tag: Coronavirus, School News, General News

19th Mar 2020

coronovirus epidemic

Morning all customers

Despite the ongoing #Coronavirus situation, lessons are all ON as normal, until otherwise advised.
Please be reassured in the fact that my car is sanitised after every lesson to minimise any potential germs in the car.

If possible, wash your hands before your lesson, and if needed feel free to ask me for some alcohol hand gel or antibacterial wipes for your hands :)

As long as everybody takes precautions it'll be normal service as usual in next to no time.

Enjoy escaping the doom and gloom for two hours!

See you all out there!



Tag: Coronavirus, School News, General News

18th Mar 2020