Mikes Driving Lessons - Blog > May 2020
In car driver training still limited to Key workers who have either applied for, or have a confirmed date for a key workers driving test. (As of Fri 29th May)
Still no confirmed dates for normal lessons resuming, but as soon as DVSA give us a green light we'll be out there enjoying this sunshine!
Keep an eye on this page and I'll be posting the updates as soon as they arrive to us
Stay safe, stay smiling
See you all soon
Tag: School News, Government Information
30th May 2020
DVSA sent this email out last night (well past my bedtime!) rescheduling Theory Tests booked for Monday 1st June.
Presumably, Theory Tests in England will resume from Tuesday 2nd June, but I anticipate another update from then across the weekend/Monday.
Scotland and Wales' theory tests rescheduelled up to 21st June 2020.
Keep your eyes peeled for more updates over the next few days and if your test has been affected please feel free to inbox us!
Tag: School News, Government Information
30th May 2020
Driving and the law:
A tough one for today's theory thursday!
View more Theory Thursday posts at www.mikesdrivinglessons.co.uk/blog/theory-thursday.html
Tag: Theory Thursday
28th May 2020
Getting ready to get back behind the wheel
Here's How Your Driving Lessons Will Change as the Lockdown is Eased
Since the lockdown was imposed, driving lessons have been put on hold – here's how this could change as restrictions are eased...
Tag: School News
29th May 2020
Changes to "Normal Driving Life" after the lockdown is lifted:
View more at www.mikesdrivinglessons.co.uk/blog/top-tip-tuesday.html
AA predicts sharp decline in driving after lockdown
The AA has predicted that a fifth of motorists will use the car less in the wake of the coronavirus lockdown...
Tag: Top Tip Tuesday
26th May 2020
Driving theory tests to re-open as scheduled on June 1st.
All those learners who had a test cancelled and refunded - you can now Rebook!
Use this unexpected free time to get revising, and remember I'm here to help however you need, whether it's by phone or zoom
Book Theory Test: https://www.gov.uk/book-theory-test
Tag: School News, Government Information
21st May 2020
Road markings for today's theory teaser.
Any near where you live?
View more Theory Thursday posts at www.mikesdrivinglessons.co.uk/blog/theory-thursday.html
Tag: Theory Thursday
21st May 2020
What's your thoughts on America's take on driving tests during the Coronavirus situation?
View more at www.mikesdrivinglessons.co.uk/blog/top-tip-tuesday.html
Coronavirus: Teenagers in Georgia to be given driving licence without taking test under new rules
Under the regulations designed to account for social distancing restrictions in the US state, parents will be asked to make the final decision as to whether their children should be granted a licence to get behind the wheel...
Tag: Top Tip Tuesday
19th May 2020
Interesting take on Driving lessons/private practice from BBC
Full link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-51176409
Tag: School News
16th May 2020
Vehicle checks!
If you need to travel, this lad has a genius way to check your car is safe to drive - his poor girlfriend
Tag: School News, General News
16th May 2020
Finally driving instructors get some recognition on BBC breakfast news
Tag: Coronavirus
15th May 2020
More lights today!
What would you do if you were on a lesson in the dark?
View more Theory Thursday posts at www.mikesdrivinglessons.co.uk/blog/theory-thursday.html
Tag: Theory Thursday
14th May 2020
Please note: the following was written BEFORE the latest announcement by the Prime Minister on 11th May 2020.
Read at your own peril!
#DrivingLessonsRoyton #DrivinglessonsRochdale
Tag: Coronavirus
12th May 2020
Applying for a theory test as a Key/Critical worker:
View more at www.mikesdrivinglessons.co.uk/blog/top-tip-tuesday.html
Apply for an emergency theory test if you're a key worker
If you’re a key worker, for example you work in a hospital or as a carer, you can apply for a driving theory test for:...
Tag: Top Tip Tuesday, Government Information
5th May 2020
Evening all, hope everybody is keeping well!
Following on from advice from Boris this evening, driving lessons are unfortunately still postponed. This is due to social distancing requirements, and being unable to keep 2 metres apart.
The next review date by government is the last week of May / Before June 1st, so hopefully I will be able to deliver some good news by then!
Those of you studying for Theory tests, remember I am still here to help.
Those who have had practical tests booked, we will still have time to fit in sessions to get you back up to speed after the break.
Stay safe and if you've any questions, feel free to drop me a line
See you all soon
Tag: Coronavirus
10th May 2020
As rumours abound about lockdown being eased we await with eagerness to hear what the Prime Minister will say in his address tomorrow.
What will it mean for Driving Lessons?
Tag: Coronavirus
9th May 2020
Driving at night on today's Theory Teaser
View more Theory Thursday posts at www.mikesdrivinglessons.co.uk/blog/theory-thursday.html
Tag: Theory Thursday
7th May 2020
More theory test cancellations due to the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak.
Please Inbox me if you have been affected!
View more Theory Thursday posts at www.mikesdrivinglessons.co.uk/blog/theory-thursday.html
Tag: Coronavirus, Government Information
6th May 2020
Applying for a theory test as a Key/Critical worker:
View more at www.mikesdrivinglessons.co.uk/blog/top-tip-tuesday.html
Apply for an emergency theory test if you're a key worker
If you’re a key worker, for example you work in a hospital or as a carer, you can apply for a driving theory test for:...
Tag: Top Tip Tuesday, Government Information
5th May 2020