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Mikes Driving Lessons - Blog > Government Information > 2020

Greater Manchester in T4

Tag: School News, Government Information

30th Dec 2020

I will be in touch with you all individually to get everybody sorted, but for now, stay safe and stay home!

— feeling sad.

Tag: School News, Government Information

2nd Nov 2020

DVSA Information about rebooking your pupils test

Inviting candidates to rebook their driving test

We recently told you that we'd contact critical workers and practical car test candidates in England whose tests were put on hold due to coronavirus to ask them to choose a new test date and time.

We will send emails out:

  • on 15 July to critical workers in England, Scotland and Wales who had a test booked during lockdown
  • from 16 July to candidates in England whose practical car test was put on hold due to lockdown

Both emails will include a link to book a new test date as the candidate booking system remains closed.
This link will only work for people who have been invited to rebook their test.

When we email candidates whose tests were put on hold due to lockdown, we'll initially invite around 10,000 each day, split in batches to spread out demand on the service.
All available appointments will be shown on the online service. Do not contact our customer service centre as they will not be able to book any alternative test slots.

Making sure your pupils are ready

It's important that you speak to your pupils before they rebook their tests to make sure:

  • they are ready to take their test
  • you are available to take them

As examiners will only be at test centres when they have a test booked, we have increased the minimum notice period for booking a test from 60 minutes to 10 hours.

Wearing a face covering

All candidates must wear a face covering when taking their driving test, unless they have a good reason not to. This includes if:

  • they have a physical or mental illness or impairment, or a disability that means they cannot put on, wear or remove a face covering
  • putting on, wearing or removing a face covering would cause them severe distress

When they arrange their test, they’ll need to say if there’s a good reason they cannot wear a face covering. The email will tell them how to do this.

Tag: School News, Government Information

15th Jul 2020

Information on Theory and Practical tests resuming:

Coronavirus: driving tests (England)

Car driving tests will restart in England on 22 July 2020 with safety precautions in place - other types of tests will restart before then...


For the theory test, the guidance includes:

  • using floor markings to keep people 2 metres apart
  • spacing workstations and chairs to keep people at least 2 metres away from other people
  • extra cleaning of the test centres
  • using protective transparent screens at the reception desk
  • providing hand sanitiser when candidates arrive and leave
  • cleaning workstations, including computers and headphones, before every test
  • coming into the test centre alone


The practical test guidance includes:

  • You should wear a face covering if you are able to. Unless you have exceptional circumstances.
  • Do not arrive for your test more than 5 minutes before the appointment time.
  • Candidates will be directed back to the driving test centre if they make a serious or dangerous fault
  • Waiting rooms will not be available for use.


Tag: School News, Government Information

1st Jul 2020

Breaking news! Lessons to resume!

Your lessons will look slightly different when we return, in order to keep both pupils and instructors safe after the pandemic.
Have a look at our Covid policy here:

Learners with test disruptions - Your test could come sooner than you realise, and it's key to get you back into the car and back up to speed after the lockdown period (Even i'm rusty at driving after a 3 month break!) The backlog of tests is absolutely massive as you would expect, so failing your test will put you to the back of an already long queue. When rebooking your test slot, give yourself enough time to fit in enough lessons to get back up to speed and become the best driver you can be, get it done first time and go enjoy that freedom!
I will be in contact with you in terms of dates/times of these rebooked tests so don't worry, I will be in touch.

Current learners - Much of your day to day life may have changed, perhaps you're not in college every day now, or working different days/hours compared to what you were before the lockdown. I will be in touch with you all individually to ensure you get a slot for lessons that is either the same as before lockdown, or suits your current situation. Again, dont worry, I will be in touch.

New learners - With the DVSA shutting down pretty much everything since March, this has had a massive effect on our students passing their tests, and creating availability for you. Rest assured you have not been forgotton and we will be in touch as soon as a space opens for you. We thank you for your patience during this strange time!

If you have any questions on anything at all regarding getting back behind the wheel, please don't hesitate to message the page

See you all soon!


Tag: School News

25th June 2020

In the House of Commons today.

Greg Smith MP - Buckingham

With the good news this week that further parts of our economy can re-open from 4th July, a particular sector left wondering when they can return to work are driving instructors.

I have been contacted by a number of instructors in the constituency, such as Tom Matthews of Viking school of motoring in Buckingham, setting out comprehensive measures he has taken to be Covid-secure and reporting a long queue of customers wanting him to teach them to drive.

Whilst it is right the economy is re-opened cautiously and following the science, this morning I called on the government to ensure statements are made to the House of Commons as soon as possible to give the thousands of driving instructors in our country the guidance they need to understand when and how they may be able to return to work too.

The Leader of the House of Commons (Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg) replied:

I am grateful to my hon. Friend for his question. Driving instructors are one of the unseen engines of the country. They train future generations of drivers, and I hope they can resume their important work safely as soon as possible.

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency chief executive will be writing to all approved driving instructors on 25 June, setting out plans to restart driver testing and to help them to return to a life that is as close to normal as possible, as quickly and as fairly as possible, in a way that avoids a second peak of infections.

From 4 July, I am happy to say that people will be able to take driving lessons on a motorcycle, or in a car, lorry or bus, and there will be a phased approach to resuming practical testing, so learners have the opportunity to practise before taking a test. But he can raise this with the Secretary of State for Transport on 2 July.

Tag: Greg Smith MP - Buckingham, Hansard

Tag: School News, Government Information

25th June 2020

More theory tests postponed, now in line with Scotland and Wales (though they got told that last month!)
If your theory has been rescheduled then feel free to text me, I'm here to help

Concerns that danger drivers are using lockdown to turn rural roads into 'racetracks'

Tag: School News, Government Information

12th June 2020

More theory tests reschedueled....
Looks like they're being cancelled bit by bit.
Keep an eye on your emails if you have one booked!
As usual, if there's any help you need, drop me a message

Tag: School News, Government Information

3rd June 2020

Theory Tests on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd June to be rescheduled.
(I really hope we're not gunna do this in 2 day blocks as that's gunna be a lot of updates and screenshots!)

Please share about

Tag: School News, Government Information

1st June 2020

In car driver training still limited to Key workers who have either applied for, or have a confirmed date for a key workers driving test. (As of Fri 29th May)

Still no confirmed dates for normal lessons resuming, but as soon as DVSA give us a green light we'll be out there enjoying this sunshine!

Keep an eye on this page and I'll be posting the updates as soon as they arrive to us

Stay safe, stay smiling
See you all soon

Tag: School News, Government Information

30th May 2020

DVSA sent this email out last night (well past my bedtime!) rescheduling Theory Tests booked for Monday 1st June.
Presumably, Theory Tests in England will resume from Tuesday 2nd June, but I anticipate another update from then across the weekend/Monday.

Scotland and Wales' theory tests rescheduelled up to 21st June 2020.

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates over the next few days and if your test has been affected please feel free to inbox us!

Tag: School News, Government Information

30th May 2020

Driving theory tests to re-open as scheduled on June 1st.
All those learners who had a test cancelled and refunded - you can now Rebook!

Use this unexpected free time to get revising, and remember I'm here to help however you need, whether it's by phone or zoom

Book Theory Test:

Tag: School News, Government Information

21st May 2020

Applying for a theory test as a Key/Critical worker:

View more at

Apply for an emergency theory test if you're a key worker

Apply for an emergency theory test if you're a key worker

If you’re a key worker, for example you work in a hospital or as a carer, you can apply for a driving theory test for:...


Tag: Top Tip Tuesday, Government Information

5th May 2020

coronovirus epidemic


More theory test cancellations due to the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak.
Please Inbox me if you have been affected!

View more Theory Thursday posts at

Tag: Coronavirus, Government Information

6th May 2020

Applying for a theory test as a Key/Critical worker:

View more at

Apply for an emergency theory test if you're a key worker

Apply for an emergency theory test if you're a key worker

If you’re a key worker, for example you work in a hospital or as a carer, you can apply for a driving theory test for:...


Tag: Top Tip Tuesday, Government Information

5th May 2020

more posts